Tired Dad Notes

Tired dad be new dad! Smol baby be cute, but no sleep much - so tired dad no sleep much. But is okay! Be tired make tired dad have lots of deep think about life with smol baby (deep think may also be onset of madness, tired dad not sure about that one).

Tired dad write down to not forget! Also write down for you, to maybe have laugh (or maybe also despair, like tired dad sometime).

When have smol baby tired dad be sad (and tired mom be too!). Make tired dad anxious, because tired parents supposed to be super happy with smol baby all the time, no?! Wrong! Is okay to be sad sometimes, silly.

Sometime tired dad really want something. Maybe want sleep (mostly!) or maybe want eat? Hah, smol baby no care what tired dad want! Is okay, tired dad learn be patient. Figure have baby make tired dad like buddhist monk - just let go of wants!

Make baby welcome to world is hard, hard (very hard) work. Great job by tired mom! Tired dad learn that many thing can go wrong - and do (tired dad talk to other tired dad and mom and hear lots of thing go wrong all the time!). Make tired dad glad and very happy that smol baby healthy!

Life with smol baby be very strange. Tired dad think that smol baby be very strange and weird in lots of ways. Smol baby have weird hair, weird skin or weird toes?! Is maybe kaput!? Tired dad not know. Then tired dad remember no panic! Baby weird is okay and (mostly) normal.

Handle smol baby is scary for tired dad. Baby so very smol and look so frail! Other peoples say “No worry, new baby very tough!” but maybe tired dad not wholly believe.

A laughing baby

Tired dad make very good plans and organize well. If forget something with smol baby then have angry baby really quick, must not happen! Still no matter because tired dad be tired and even good plan sometimes fail. Is okay tired dad, no get angry!

Baby sometimes act weird and tired dad make up stories for why baby do thing. Baby cry, so tired dad think maybe because see something scary? Maybe because not happy? Maybe because HATE tired dad?! Then tired dad stop and remember: No make up stories! Baby be baby and do baby things - because is baby, silly!

When have smol baby, other peoples come talk to tired dad. Tell tired dad you do this with baby, otherwise bad tired dad (they also tell this to tired mum!). Tired dad very confuse by those people and mostly ignore. Baby be baby from tired dad and tired mum, so tired parent know best what smol baby need! Silly peoples.

Tired dad sometimes get confuse about baby and want help. If very tired and very confuse tired dad ask collective hivemind Internetz! This bad idea. Very bad bad idea! Internetz say many strange thin. Now tired dad be very very confuse and still no help!

Sometimes tired dad very stressed out. Is okay, taking care of baby is stressful! But tired dad remember to take care of himself also. If tired dad take care of himself tired dad make better take care of smol baby!

A crying baby

Many peoples tell tired dad “You watch, Baby grow up quickly!”. Tired dad laugh, think people silly. Now tired dad know, self is silly! Baby grow up really really quickly, is like new baby every day sometimes!

Tired dad like ask for help with big brain doctor. Is good help, doctor say tired dad do X! Good advice! But then, tired dad also ask big brain midwife for help. Midwife say, tired dad silly, never do X, do Y instead! Now tired dad not only tired but also super confuse. Figure, maybe both X and Y is okay, so do whatever works best for himself and baby!

When have smol baby tired dad sometimes be anxious or stressed. Is okay! Tired dad must learn lots of new thing. But must also remind self to stay calm. No good if anxious or angry (still, is very hard sometimes).

Smol baby not know how do lots of things. Not even know how breathe properly, so make lots of weird noise! Maybe like piglet or sick birdy? Very strange! But even stranger when weird noise stop! What wrong, maybe smol baby stop breathe?! No worry, yes baby still breathe silly tired dad!

Other peoples tell tired dad smol baby smell nice. This true sometimes. But sometime lots of time baby make poo and then smell like dead racoon! Really not nice! Tired dad think other peoples have weird nose, maybe.

Carry baby around is hard work, make tired dad much back pain. Be careful, tired dad!

A sleeping baby

Baby like to do strange things. Sometimes stare at random spots for long time. Sometimes claw at your face (baby fingernails surprisingly sharp!). Sometimes randomly throw things on the ground. Tired dad figure baby be a lot like cat! Or maybe cat be like baby?

Tired dad sometimes worry that is gonna screw up baby life. Then remember that everyone and everything is screw up in some way (especially tired dad). Is okay! Now tired dad just try to make sure smol baby is screw up in nice way!

Sometimes smol baby be smol demon! Is cry all the time, is no sleep, is unbearable! Tired dad be ask “Why you so mean baby!?”. Maybe wonder if have baby was good idea even (is okay to think that sometimes!). Then smol baby do big laugh in dad face - everything okay again! Tired dad forgive you smol demon baby!

Smol baby smile sometimes. This be very cute! But also mean smol baby plan something. Tired dad no know what. Maybe hit tired dad in face? Maybe throw up? Maybe make giant dead racoon smelling poo again! What are you going to do smol baby?!

When smol baby grow up to not-so-smol baby it learn many new thing. This good and make tired dad very happy! But also make life hard. Smol baby run around! Smol baby grab everything and throw to ground and make kaput, oh no! Tired dad try stay calm but is very hard!


Many thanks to you for read tired dad notes! Tired dad steal from be inspired by big brain and much funny Grug Brained Developer - you should read too!

Finally, many thanks to smol baby and tired mom for exist and make tired dad much happy (although tired) life !

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